WRCRWA - Treatment Plant Community Tour
The Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority (WRCRWA) facility plays a crucial role in providing essential wastewater treatment services to our community. With the capacity to treat up to 14 million gallons of wastewater per day, this facility employs tertiary-level treatment (one of the highest treatment levels), resulting in recycled water that is currently discharged into the Santa Ana River.
Notably, WRCRWA employs cutting-edge technologies to minimize odors stemming from the treatment processes. Beyond the health and welfare benefits our community derives from their services, the facility is gearing up to deliver recycled water for local use in parks, nurseries, and other outdoor spaces. This initiative will contribute to reducing our region's dependence on imported water.
WRCRWA is a joint powers authority comprising Norco, Corona, Jurupa Community Services District, Home Gardens Sanitary District, and Western Municipal Water District.